Barrus London Fashion Week SS17
Friday 16th September 12.30pm
The show
Collection inspiration:
In February, we took inspiration from the ancient art of marbling - a traditional example of the Middle East coming to the West. This season, we are drawing inspiration from marbling again but combined with the art of Gustav Klimt. East has got even closer to the West
Hair inspiration:
The ready to wear collection takes on an effortless and undone look and so it was important not to tong or blow dry the hair, leaving it too stiff or lacking movement
Head of Team
Rachel Bartlett
Get the look
Step 1
Apply label.m Sea Salt Spray to dry hair creating root lift with your fingers and a label.m Tourmaline Hairdryer
Step 2
Loosely braid 3-strand braids into three sections and apply the heat from the label.m Styling Irons. Release the braids
Step 3
Section off the mid band of the head shape, and place two twists that sit next to each other at the back of the head
Step 4
Release the texture throughout the top
Step 5
Use sectioning clips and apply more label.m Sea Salt Spray and dry with cold air and the label.m Diffuser
Step 6
Throughout the back of the head, create a visual pattern, use the label.m U-pins to place the hair into the centre
label.m Professional Haircare Must Haves
label.m Sea Salt Spray £14.25, label.m Hairspray £12.75
In the session kit
label.m Grooming Brush £13.50, label.m Tourmaline Hairdryer £46.95, label.m Magic Diffuser £9.95, label.m Tiitanium Pro-50 Styling Iron £74.99, TONI&GUY Soft Touch Sectioning Clips £10.00