Billie Jacobina London Fashion Week SS18
Friday 15th September 14.30pm
The show
Collection inspiration:
This season sees Billie Jacobina using a combination of hand painting and digital printing. Whilst insuring she stays true to her trademark colour pink throughout her work the inclusion of shades of orange ensures her designs remain
Hair inspiration:
Working with Billie for the second season, Efi and the Session Team created a hair look that embodied her fun, creative and positive outlook. The use of fabric in the hair matched the over the top pieces and vibe, perfectly
Head of Team
Efi Davies
Get the look
Step 1
Prep the hair with label.m Volume Mousse and blast dry (if possible use netting to keep hair super smooth)
Step 2
Create a middle parting and gather sections into two high ponytails
Step 3
Using fabric plait into the hair
Step 4
Coil ponytails into buns and secure on top of head, finish with a spritz of label.m Hairspray
label.m Professional Haircare Must Haves
label.m Volume Mousse, label.m Hairspray