Dans La Vie London Fashion Week SS18
The show
Collection inspiration:
Inspired by ‘clash beauty’, going against the grain of what is considered normal by pushing the boundaries of conventional beauty - aiming to revolt and abolish gender lines in fashion
Hair inspiration:
This season’s hair look was inspired by early noughties, genderless punk - think skinhead with a touch of elegance
Head of Team
Daniele De Angelis
Get the look
Step 1
Prep with a generous layer of label.m Volume Mousse then rough dry with label.m Tourmaline Dryer using the label.m Grooming Brush
Step 2
Make a v-shape parting around the curve of the head, placing two ponytails – one above and one below the parting
Step 3
Backcomb each ponytail at the root
Step 4
Lift lower ponytail and place forward in line with top ponytail to create a looped bun, and secure with label.m No Pull Braiding Bands (instead of stitching technique)
Step 5
Doing the same with ponytail above the parting to create two looped buns
Step 6
Use a small amount of label.m Matt Paste on the remaining hair left in front of the face to create texture. Slightly pull hair from the looped buns for desired shape and finish with label.m Hairspray
label.m Professional Haircare Must Haves
label.m Volume Mousse, label.m Matt Paste, label.m Hairspray
In the session kit
label.m No Pull Braiding Bands, label.m Grooming Brush, label.m Tourmaline Dryer