At TONI&GUY we understand how important your hair and especially your hair colour is to your overall image and confidence. For the short period, you cannot access your favourite Toni&Guy salon and technician, we have asked our salon experts for their tips and ideas on how to look after your colour and make your colour last longer whilst at home.

The good news is that roots are cool again but if your natural colour is not what you want to see in your parting, we pulled together some quick hair tips on how to disguise and style your grown-out roots before you see us back in salon.
How can I cover my roots?
The best way to temporarily cover your roots until our salons re-open is to use a colour spray or hair mascara which gives you total control and a seamless blend which won’t affect your salon colour.
Recommended products: L’Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up, Colour WOW Root Cover Up
How can I style MY GROWN-OUT roots?
A great way to disguise roots is to switch up your parting. An uneven, imperfect parting will make roots look less obvious and a lot cooler!
Can I use a box colour?
Our honest answer is that we would strongly advise against it. It is nearly impossible to match your tailor-made colour to a box colour and it can be quite tricky to get an even result.
If you do Box Colour your hair, please be very aware of the importance of carrying out an allergy alert test and please take the test seriously in light of a limited NHS service.
Even if you have coloured your hair for years, when you use a new product you MUST test for different ingredients.
Will I get the same results from a box colour?
Please remember a box colour is one shade, it is nearly impossible to match your tailor-made colour to a box shade and it can be quite tricky to get an even result.
In a professional salon, we blend a personalised mixture that will not be matched by a box colour and so you are likely to see a different colour result.
Can you give me my colour records?
Yes, in most cases we can however due to our salons' closure, we might have difficulty in accessing them at this time. They are unlikely to help you in matching a box colour.

It's easy to look after your hair colour at home with a few tips from Toni&Guy. Wash your hair in lukewarm water using your palms and flat parts of your hands to prevent over scrubbing and colour fade. Using a professional shampoo with the correct PH alongside a conditioner to seal the cuticle is vital to keep hair hydrated and colour locked in, as well as keeping heat styling to a minimum.
How often should I wash my hair to maintain my colour?
Ideally, wash your hair a few times a week. However, the right product is key to not needing to wash your hair too much. A shampoo full of perfume and silicones will leave residue on the hair, meaning you’ll need to wash it more often.
A professional haircare such as label.m has shampoos which are specifically made to help colour last.
How you wash your hair can make a big difference in how long your colour stays fresh.
For best results wash your hair with lukewarm water and use the palms and flat parts of your hands to prevent over-scrubbing which can lead to colour fade.
What products should I use to help me keep my colour?
When washing your hair, it’s best to use a professional shampoo that’s the correct PH for your hair – 4.5-5.5.
We recommend the label.m Colour Stay Shampoo, Treatment Shampoo or Cool Blonde Shampoo for blonde tones.
Always condition your hair after shampooing and rinse would cool water to seal the cuticle and keep hair hydrated and colour locked in.
We recommend the label.m Colour Stay Conditioner, Moisturising Conditioner or Cool Blonde Conditioner for blonde tones.
And, as hydration is so important for coloured hair, use regular treatments such as hair masks and oils.
We recommend the label.m Intensive Mask and Therapy Radiance Oil.
Will styling my hair affect the colour?
Heated styling (e.g. hairdryers, tongs, straighteners) will intensify colour fade.
Try and keep heat styling to a minimum, letting your hair dry naturally. If you do use heat, be sure to use a product containing thermal protection such as the label.m Heat Protection Spray.
What hairstyles look good on grown out colour?
The best thing to do is to increase movement and add volume.
Try applying a texturizing spray like the label.m Texturising Volume Spray (also available in Brunette) to give texture.
Why not experiment with hair ups too. Try a ponytail or top knot, add an Alice band – get creative!